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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Nodejs nodemailer - Send Email

1. go to cmd prompt in your root project folder 
   Type npm install nodemailer

2. create mail.js

var express = require('express');
var nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
var smtpTransport = require("nodemailer-smtp-transport")
var app = express();

var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpTransport({
    host : "",
    secureConnection : false,
    port: 587,
    auth : {
        user : "",
        pass : "test123"    }
    var mailOptions={
        from : "",
        to : "",
        subject : "Your Subject",
        text : "Your Text",
        html : "HTML GENERATED",
        /*attachments : [
            {   // file on disk as an attachment                //filename: 'a.txt',                path: 'd:/a.txt' // stream this file, use only path property and send the file name in the end, else you may get folder read error            }
    smtpTransport.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, response){
            console.log("Message sent: " + response.message);

    console.log("Express Started on Port 3000");

3. Go to command prompt where the mail.js stored
    Type node mail.js

4. open brower

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

NodeJs VelocityJs in web app - Template Engine

just create a sample  velocity-text.js  file.

/** * Created by drvijay on 12-10-2016. */
   var context = {
        "name": "velocity"    }

var initialString = "Hello, ${name}!";

var velocityjs = require("velocityjs");
var renderedString = velocityjs.render(initialString,context);

// go to cmd type node velocity-text.js


First install velocityjs in your node_modules

npm install velocityjs

Now from your project (where the node_modules mentioned above exists) use browserify

browserify -r velocityjs  > velocity.js

This will create a velocity.js file that you can include in your website directly. If you don't have browserify then do npm install -g browserify


In your webpage js file first require velocityjs

var velocityjs = require("velocityjs");

Now to get the templated html do

var renderedString = velocityjs.render(initialString,context)

Note that velocity does not care if your initial string was html or not, you need to ensure that

NodeJs VelocityJs in web app - Template Engine

just create a sample  velocity-text.js  file.

/** * Created by drvijay on 12-10-2016. */
   var context = {
        "name": "velocity"    }

var initialString = "Hello, ${name}!";

var velocityjs = require("velocityjs");
var renderedString = velocityjs.render(initialString,context);

// go to cmd type node velocity-text.js


First install velocityjs in your node_modules

npm install velocityjs

Now from your project (where the node_modules mentioned above exists) use browserify

browserify -r velocityjs  > velocity.js

This will create a velocity.js file that you can include in your website directly. If you don't have browserify then do npm install -g browserify


In your webpage js file first require velocityjs

var velocityjs = require("velocityjs");

Now to get the templated html do

var renderedString = velocityjs.render(initialString,context)

Note that velocity does not care if your initial string was html or not, you need to ensure that

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