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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Added Google Site Verification HTML TAG in old Joomla Templates

Google Console

1. goto
2. select right side option, give ur index url
3. go down, select html tag verification.
4. Generate. copy that metatag, apply into your html/php of the main index.
5. Click verify

In your Joomla Template

1. Open filemanager
2. goto public_html/templates/avatar_nine/core/classes folder
3. Open template.php
4. find public function addHead()
{} method and add before return.


public function addHead() 
$head .= '< meta name="google-site-verification" content="BTDlLui-sdfdsfdsfdsf4r4454ergdrfgrdfgdfgikORSxw" / >';

return $head;


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