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Monday, May 31, 2010

Simple Captcha


Installing SimpleCaptcha is no different than installing most other libraries for a J2EE container: a jar is deployed to WEB-INF/lib and web.xml is updated. These steps are described in detail below.

   1. Download SimpleCaptcha
   2. Copy the jar file to your WEB-INF/lib directory
   3. Add a mapping to web.xml. There are three servlets provided out of the box: StickyCaptchaServlet, SimpleCaptchaServlet, and ChineseCaptchaServlet. All generate CAPTCHA image/answer pairs, but StickyCaptchaServlet and ChineseCaptchaServlet are “sticky” to the user’s session: page reloads will render the same CAPTCHA instead of generating a new one. An example mapping for StickyCaptchaServlet:



The width and height parameters are optional; if unprovided the image will default to 200×50.

   4. Restart your webserver.
   5. Browse to the location given by the url-pattern defined in web.xml, e.g., http://localhost:8080/stickyImg. If everything has been set up correctly you should see a CAPTCHA image.
   6. Now create a JSP called captcha.jsp. Add the following code inside the <body> element:

          <img src="/stickyImg" />
          <form action="/captchaSubmit.jsp" method="post">
              <input name="answer" />

   7. Create another JSP called captchaSubmit.jsp. Add the following:

          <%@ page import="nl.captcha.Captcha" %>
          <% // We're doing this in a JSP here, but in your own app you'll want to put
          // this logic in your MVC framework of choice.
          Captcha captcha = (Captcha) session.getAttribute(Captcha.NAME);
          request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); // Do this so we can capture non-Latin chars
          String answer = request.getParameter("answer");
          if (captcha.isCorrect(answer)) { %>
          <% } %>

   8. Browse to /captcha.jsp. You should get your CAPTCHA image, as well as a form for entering your answer. Submit the form and see what happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have copy/paste le doc.

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