1. Goto cmd
cd D:\works\BlueCap\POC\openatna\trunk\openatna\all\build
2. java -jar openatna-1.2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
3. open jboss dev stuido workspace D:\jbdevstudio\workspace\Blue-Cap\openatna
run junit
Open XDS
1. goto cmd D:\works\BlueCap\POC\openxds\tags\build
2. java -jar openxds-1.0.jar
3. open jboss dev stuido workspace D:\jbdevstudio\workspace\Blue-Cap
SRC Folder : D:\works\BlueCap\POC\openxds\tags\openxds-1.0-20100309\openxds-core\src\test\java\org\openhealthtools\openxds\integrationtests\
4. use to change the patient id and check that in personidentifier table in protgres
Open Pixpdq
1. goto Tomcat6.0 and run with openpixpdq.war
2. http://localhost:8080/openpixpdq/
goto configuration module/menu
load file : D:\works\BlueCap\POC\openpixpdq\trunk\OpenPIXPDQ\conf\tests\actors\IheActors.xml
3. go down in the same page, select all the check box and give one log file path & save it
4. Go to other screens and test it
Create a patient and see it in postgres openempi database person_identifier
simple open jboss dev stuido workspace D:\jbdevstudio\workspace\open-pixpdq
FOLLOW 1,2 steps to start 3600 port for pix manager to run directly from IDE
& run junit
FOLDER: D:\works\BlueCap\POC\openpixpdq\trunk\OpenPIXPDQ\src\test\org\openhealthexchange\openpixpdq\ihe\impl_v2\
NOTE: open openpixpdq context , not in trunk, other wise you cannot see junit in right click run as-> junit
if you want to run with dynamically 100 port, such as 8080 to 8180 ....
x:\> standalone.bat -Djboss.server.default.config=standalone-full.xml -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100
1. Goto cmd
cd D:\works\BlueCap\POC\openatna\trunk\openatna\all\build
2. java -jar openatna-1.2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
3. open jboss dev stuido workspace D:\jbdevstudio\workspace\Blue-Cap\openatna
run junit
Open XDS
1. goto cmd D:\works\BlueCap\POC\openxds\tags\build
2. java -jar openxds-1.0.jar
3. open jboss dev stuido workspace D:\jbdevstudio\workspace\Blue-Cap
SRC Folder : D:\works\BlueCap\POC\openxds\tags\openxds-1.0-20100309\openxds-core\src\test\java\org\openhealthtools\openxds\integrationtests\
4. use to change the patient id and check that in personidentifier table in protgres
Open Pixpdq
1. goto Tomcat6.0 and run with openpixpdq.war
2. http://localhost:8080/openpixpdq/
goto configuration module/menu
load file : D:\works\BlueCap\POC\openpixpdq\trunk\OpenPIXPDQ\conf\tests\actors\IheActors.xml
3. go down in the same page, select all the check box and give one log file path & save it
4. Go to other screens and test it
Create a patient and see it in postgres openempi database person_identifier
simple open jboss dev stuido workspace D:\jbdevstudio\workspace\open-pixpdq
FOLLOW 1,2 steps to start 3600 port for pix manager to run directly from IDE
& run junit
FOLDER: D:\works\BlueCap\POC\openpixpdq\trunk\OpenPIXPDQ\src\test\org\openhealthexchange\openpixpdq\ihe\impl_v2\
NOTE: open openpixpdq context , not in trunk, other wise you cannot see junit in right click run as-> junit
if you want to run with dynamically 100 port, such as 8080 to 8180 ....
x:\> standalone.bat -Djboss.server.default.config=standalone-full.xml -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100